Home Remedies To Get Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief

Home Remedies To Get Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief

We get a wisdom tooth between 17-25 years old. It looks like a madman when the wisdom tooth appears and the bad news is that it really has nothing to do with wisdom. I mean, I can bear a little bit of pain if it makes me really wise, but going through this sharp pain for nothing, duh! Continue reading about Home Remedies To Get Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief

Now you might think about the trouble of having a wisdom tooth. The reason is that wisdom tooth is essentially what can call the interloper among the band of teeth previously present in the mouth. Hence, they try to prevent it from emerging. And we pay for their civil war! In fact, all this is called impaction – growing under another tooth or wedged between the jaw and another tooth. This impaction is the reason for the dental pain of wisdom.

But, the good news is that you do not have to suffer anymore. In addition to breathing your pain by shouting and cursing, there are many effective home remedies to offer you dental pain relief from wisdom.

Take a look at the best remedies that could effectively contribute to reducing dental pain from wisdom:

1. Oil Pulling:

Oil extraction is our old method of ensuring our oral health. It is said that if you do oil extraction every morning, you will never have any dental, dental or mouth related diseases. Removing oil not only removes toxins but also relieves pain in the teeth and gums. Take coconut oil or sesame oil in your mouth and wring it for 15 to 20 minutes. Then spit the oil and wash your mouth with warm water. This will help relieve dental pain from wisdom.

2. Clove:

Clove is an effective family remedy for a dental pain of wisdom. There are two methods of using cloves. First, you can scrub and massage clove oil to where the wisdom tooth emerges. Secondly, you can place a clove in this area and keep it there without chewing or spitting until the pain decreases.

3. Cheese:

Take cheese, such as cheddar and mozzarella, and place a small amount on the growing tooth. This will soothe the pain as well as prevent bleeding from the gums.

4. Guava Leaves:

Boil the few guava leaves in the water for three minutes. Now, chew the boiled leaves for thirty seconds, then spit them out. This will offer some of the pain.

5. Heat Pack:

Use a heat packet or a pack of hot water or a bottle. Place it on the side of the jaw where you feel a toothache. Keep it until the pain and swelling subside.

6. Peanut Butter:

Massaging a little peanut butter gently on the damaged tooth helps relieve the pain. Continue to apply peanut butter several times.

7. Mustard Oil:

According to the Ayurveda, the message of a mustard oil on the gums strengthens them & provides you the strong teeth. Heat mustard oil & allow to cool until warm. Then gently massage this oil on the painful area. You can add sea salt to it.

Home Remedies To Get Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief8. Ice Pack:

Take an ice pack or make some ice in a handkerchief to make a pack of ice. Now, put this pack of ice on the side of your jaw where is the evil.

9. Cinnamon Oil:

Massager cinnamon oil on-site pain also helps. It makes the first sign but helps to alleviate the pain.

10. Salt:

Boil water and mix salt. Hold the mixture in your mouth for 5 minutes, then spit it out. Repeat it 3 more times.

11. Tea Tree Oil:

Massage the tea oil on the growing tooth for about 5 minutes. Also, massage the gum area with this oil. Wash your mouth to find instant relief.

12. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Swish the apple cider vinegar in the mouth for about few minutes, then spit it out. This remedy offers immediate relief.

13. Black Tea Bag:

Black tea and tea bag, individually and together, help relieve a toothache. Take a tea bag of black tea and boil it. Now place this hot and wet tea bag on your painful tooth for a while.

14. Onion:

Cut an onion and put that slice of onion between your teeth on the growing wisdom tooth. Keep it there and gnaw it gently to get juice on your tooth.

15. Garlic:

Garlic has incredible antibiotic properties. Put a slice of garlic or garlic juice on the area of a toothache. This helps relieve pain.


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