Home Remedies That Have Expectorant Action

Home Remedies That Have Expectorant Action

Home Remedies That Have Expectorant Action

#expectorant #action #chestcongestion

An expectorant is a medication frequently in a liquid syrup form, which loosens phlegm & helps in its removal through the mouth while you cough. In this way, the chest is cleared from congestion due to phlegm.

There are some other foods too that have expectorant action as they help in removing phlegm from the respiratory tract. We would share with you, these home remedies for the chest congestion in this post.

In chest congestion, people frequently have difficulty in breathing & heaviness due to the collection of phlegm & mucous in the lungs and respiratory passages. It restricts the entry of air into the lungs.

Causes of the chest congestion, flu, allergies, cold, & asthma. Though, it might be due to some severe condition also such as pneumonia, tuberculosis & lung cancer, etc.

There should be the removal of phlegm & mucous from lungs through a cough to alleviate a situation.

Here are some efficient home remedies to eliminate phlegm from your respiratory tract. Take a look on Home Remedies That Have Expectorant Action

Chicken Soup

It lessens the inflammation in lungs & gives relief from chest congestion. Black pepper in the chicken soup reduces phlegm production in lungs. It also helps in the expulsion of mucous through a cough.

Lemon And Honey

Honey kills the bacterial infection of respiratory track. Mix some of honey with lime water and drink it. It will quell a cough too. It is one of best home remedies for chest congestion.

Honey And Pepper

A mixture of honey & pepper helps to diffuse phlegm in the chest, & it is easy removal through a cough. Honey has an antiseptic property also that kills the infection. Mix 1 tsp of black pepper powder & honey to form a paste & take this thrice a day.


You can eat onions raw or after cooking. They are efficient in easing chest congestion. It makes phlegm thin by breaking it down so that it easily comes out with a cough.

Home Remedies That Have Expectorant ActionGinger Tea

It lessens the inflammation of lungs and kills bacterial infection of the respiratory track. It also helps to break down phlegm, and it’s an easy removal. It is one of the simple home remedies for chest congestion.

Lemon Juice

Mix some salt in the glass of hot water & add lemon juice to it. It helps to combat the infection by enhancing immunity as it contains vitamin C. It also helps in the breakdown of phlegm & makes it thin.

Hot Water

Hot water would help in breaking down & diffusing the thick phlegm inside the lungs. You can also keep hot water pack on a chest. Hot water would help in removal of phlegm.

Photo credit : http://www.boldsky.com/img/2015/08/11-1439283019-honeyandpepper.jpg

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