How to Deal with COVID-19 and Diabetes? 


Diabetics need to take required precautions on account of Covid-19. Prenatal care is important and pregnancy tips for first-time moms need to be adhered to.

COVID-19 happens to be a highly infectious disease which is caused by the novel coronavirus. It does spread through close personal contact with someone who has the virus. It is better to be familiar with pregnancy care tips during covid 19.

People need to wear cloth face masks in public places where it is difficult to maintain a 6-foot (2-meter) distance from others. This will in fact help slow the spread of the virus from asymptomatic people and people who do not know that they have contracted it. People need to wear cloth face masks while continuing to practice physical distancing.

In the majority of people, the illness will be rather mild. However, people with diabetes may indeed have a higher risk of developing severe medical complications, such as pneumonia, from COVID-19. Self-care during pregnancy is important.

How does COVID-19 affect people with diabetes?

The coronavirus can thrive in an environment of elevated blood glucose.
People with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes might be at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19.

Symptoms of COVID-19 can indeed appear 2–14 days after exposure and typically include:

a cough
shortness of breath

Diabetes happens to be a chronic metabolic condition that does cause high blood sugar levels. On the whole, infectious diseases such as COVID-19 happen to be more serious in people with diabetes.

This is so as the immune system does not work as well in people with diabetes, which does make it harder for their body to fight the virus. Also, the novel coronavirus can thrive in an environment of elevated blood glucose.

Diabetes also tends to the body in a low-level state of inflammation, which makes does make the healing response to any infection slower.
High blood sugar levels combined with a persistent state of inflammation makes it much more difficult for people with diabetes to recover from illnesses such as COVID-19.
Anyone with diabetes who notices symptoms of COVID-19 should speak to their doctor as soon as possible.

Type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes

More than 425 million people worldwide do suffer from diabetes. There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Gestational diabetes happens to be another type that does affect some women during pregnancy. It is important to know more about pregnancy tips for first-time moms. Prenatal care needs to be followed.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes does occur most frequently in children and adolescents. Nearly 10% of all people with diabetes suffer from type 1 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition wherein the immune system does destroy the beta cells of the pancreas. This results in little to no insulin production.
Daily insulin injections are necessary to keep blood sugar levels normal.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is accepted as the most common form of diabetes, accounting for around 90–95% of all cases.

In type 2 diabetes, the body either does not make sufficient insulin or does not use insulin very well due to insulin resistance.

Most people with type 2 diabetes need pills to keep their blood sugar levels normal. In due course, they may also require insulin.
If a person having type 2 diabetes has any symptoms of COVID-19, it is advisable to consult the doctor.

Gestational diabetes

Another type of diabetes is gestational diabetes. This type only occurs at the time of pregnancy and usually goes away after the pregnancy ends.

Women who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life.

Pregnant women with gestational diabetes are at high risk of complications if they do develop COVID-19.

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