Top ten amazing health benefits of Lemon

Top ten amazing health benefits of Lemon

Health benefits of lemons are many, commonly called as nimbu in India, have been discovered and discussed ages ago across the world. Egyptians used them as a natural healer, the ancient Greeks used them as a disinfectant as the Romans used them to cure various elements. Today, though people use them only as seasoning ingredient to add extra flavor & twist to different recipes. Here is how lemons actually make the recipes healthy and nutritious. Continue reading the health benefits of Lemon.

Health benefits of Lemon

Aids digestion:

Lemon is highly acidic in nature, helping in the process of digestion. The pectin content in a lemon ensures the digestive system is loaded with complex carbohydrates. It inspires stronger intestinal muscles movement, accelerating the process of digestion.

Improves immunity

 Lemon helps in enhancing Boost the Immune system due to the presence of vitamins & antioxidants like vitamin C. It also contains the quercetin, a bioflavonoid that has the anti-allergic effect. The compound also helps to prevent inflammation by acting as a natural antihistamine. Some of the bioflavonoids present in lemon also possess anti-viral properties, helping to keep common infections at bay.

Top ten amazing health benefits of LemonFastens wound healing:

Vitamin C in lemon helps in the production of collagen, helping wound and fractures to heal faster. It also promotes the regeneration of tissues of the bone, cartilage and connective tissue.

Keeps the teeth healthy:

Just rubbing lemon wedge on the skin can help to whiten it. You could also mix lemon juice with a baking soda and apply it to the teeth using an earbud to achieve instant whiteness. However, do not leave the mixture for more than minute or else it will cause more harm than good. Lemons also help in the incorporation of calcium in teeth, making them strong and healthy.

Uplifts the mood:

The odor and the aroma of lemon can help uplift the mood. If you have had a hard day at work, and can not seem to find the motivation for anything, smell lemon to feel better.

Helps to lose weight:

A lemon can be a friend if you are looking to lose weight. It has pectin, which is soluble fiber that can help to feel fuller and eat less. Just drink the cup of hot tea with lemon in it, and you will notice how it can make you eat less.

Improves kidney and lemon function:

When you eat the lemon, the sour taste helps signal the nerves and hormones to activate the liver and kidneys. Also, lemon is a natural diuretic which helps the kidney in excreting excess fluid and helps to detoxify.

Helps treat acne:

You do not even have to work hard to prepare this home remedy for acne. Simply rubbing a lemon wedge over the face and washing it after 10 minutes can help to cure acne.

Keeps the eyes healthy:

Quercetin in lemon is known to repress the activity of aldose reductase, an enzyme that promotes the production of sorbitol that helps to prevent cataract formation.

Improves heart health:

The vitamin C rich stores of lemon help to the conversion of cholesterol into bile in the liver, thereby reducing the blood levels of cholesterol, a key risk factor of development of heart disease.

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