Jaya Krishna

  • Do you find your life untidy? Do you constantly feel that you are missing something in your life but can not figure out what it is? Sometimes we find ourselves stuck in life, and no power on this earth seems to be […] Jaya Krishna

  • Cultivating your hair is not an easy task. Keeping your health throughout the process is even more difficult. Being surrounded by factors causing damage, problems like hair loss, dandruff, breakage, cracks and […] Jaya Krishna

  • We all had our fair share of hair loss. This is a problem that is almost impossible to avoid because of the myriad of factors that cause hair loss. Unfortunately, for some of us, the problem does not go away, and […] Jaya Krishna

  • The adrenal glands are endocrine glands that produce a variety of essential hormones, including adrenaline and steroids, aldosterone and cortisol. When there is the insufficient production of one or more of these […] Jaya Krishna

  • Sugar cravings are the worst enemy of anyone! A moderate amount of refined sugar can be an acceptable part of a healthy diet. But when you consume too much sugar, it can negatively affect every part of your body – […] Jaya Krishna

  • When you suffer from streptococcus, an ear infection, a urinary tract infection or other common bacterial infections, the most common medication prescribed by doctors is the antibiotic. Read about How to deal […] Jaya Krishna

  • Molluscum contagiosum is a very common skin infection caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus. It produces benign lesions or bumps, elevated on the upper layers of your skin. Usually, there are many clumped […] Jaya Krishna

  • As parents, your children’s well-being is one of your priorities. Because children’s bodies still construct a strong immune system, they can be sick often and visits to the doctor become a regular part of your […] Jaya Krishna

  • Have you ever heard of Merkaba meditation? Did you know that it has several advantages? Do you know that practicing meditation of any kind can change your life forever? If the answers to the above questions are […] Jaya Krishna

  • Do you like eating fish? Do you like the delicious and healthy taste of seafood? If the answer is yes, try the tilapia fish. It is popularly consumed in countries such as the United States, India, and North […] Jaya Krishna

  • Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which a person suffers from a high level of glucose in the blood. High levels of blood sugar are caused either by a lack of insulin production (type 1 diabetes) or by insulin […] Jaya Krishna

  • Do you meditate regularly? If so, then you definitely do whatever it takes for your body and mind. Continue reading  4 Steps To Use Mala Beads For Meditation

    But have you ever tried Mala beads as your m […] Jaya Krishna

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is the chronic inflammatory disease that normally affects the covering of small joints like fingers & toes. Over time, it can also affect the knees, elbows, ankles, hips & shoulders. […] Jaya Krishna

  • A rash under the breasts is a very common problem. It is mainly a form of irritant dermatitis and is called intertrigo characterized by inflammation of the skin folds. Also read How To Get Rid Of A Rash Under […] Jaya Krishna

  • When the skin is exposed to the sun, it causes an increase in the production of cells known as melanocytes that increase melanin in the skin, making the skin darker. These dark skin patches are known as brown […] Jaya Krishna

  • A tear or open wound in the skin around the anus can cause burns and acute pain when you have a dental prosthesis. This is called an anal or rectal fissure. Read more about Best Home Remedies for Anal […] Jaya Krishna

  • Your period comes and comes every month, but periods are considered one of the most taboo topics to tackle. Well, it’s time to talk openly. Also read about Health Issues That Your Period Indicates

    Most often, […] Jaya Krishna

  • Nausea is that uncomfortable chip feeling that is very difficult to put into words, but something that most of us have experienced in the past. Nausea is not a disease, but rather a symptom. It is often a […] Jaya Krishna

  • When it comes to switching to a healthier diet, people mainly focus on fruits or vegetables. But there is much more to a healthy diet than these two. In fact, the other category that is much healthier and […] Jaya Krishna

  • Lose a few pounds here and that’s normal! Read about Health Issues that Cause Unexplained Weight Loss

    Intentional weight loss due to dieting and exercise is one thing. But it is a sign of problems if you start […] Jaya Krishna

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