Pavithra Madhava

  • Everybody, regardless of age, upbringing, culture or gender, has sustained an injury at some point. And if you haven’t yet, by some miracle, then you’re due! From playing sports to working on the job, there are […] Pavithra Madhava

  • Things are just starting to heat up for summer now, but all too soon the skies will darken and flu season will be upon us. If you constantly find that you’re catching the flu, you might be interested in some w […] Pavithra Madhava

  • There are many different types of addiction out there, and some of them are more common than others. But they can all have a damaging and detrimental effect on individuals. So, you need to know about all of these […] Pavithra Madhava

  • People everywhere try to lose weight every day. There are clubs, support groups, diets, and workouts to help us. However, many of us feel like whatever we do, it just doesn’t happen. We feel like we’ve tried […] Pavithra Madhava

  • If you were to write a list of the leading causes of death in America, what would you write? No doubt heart disease would top the list. Cardiovascular problems have been killing millions of Americans since the […] Pavithra Madhava

  • Many people underestimate the serious damage that can occur when they slip or trip on an uneven surface. But actually, a small slip or trip could cause serious damage to your leg or any other part of your party […] Pavithra Madhava

  • It’s very common for people to suffer from various physical health problems. These can cause you pain and be a burden on your life. Bearing that in mind, here are the top physical health problems most people s […] Pavithra Madhava

  • Nagendra Gadamsetty wrote a new post 9 years ago

    In the morning while combing your hair you see white flakes falling over your shoulder, and shriek in disbelief! You hope with your fingers crossed that you can simply wish it away! And, you try just that! […] Pavithra Madhava

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    Yabibo Team.

  • Nagendra Gadamsetty wrote a new post 9 years ago

    Among the different skin types, oily skin is hands down the most problematic one. People who have oily skin suffer from various kinds of problems including pimples, acne, whiteheads, blackheads, skin pigmentation […] Pavithra Madhava

  • symptoms of eating too much sugar
    You all know that sugar & chocolates can head to cavities, but did you know that too much consumption of sugar can raise the risk of contracting Alzheimer’s or cause deficiency o […] Pavithra Madhava

  • Every person wants to get lustrous and healthy hair. To promote the health & texture of hair, people are trying many things nowadays. From applying several hair care products like oils, serums, & shampoos, they […] Pavithra Madhava

  • You try to ensure your facial skin remains in top condition, but the lips cannot be overlooked either. Dry and chapped lips can be a menace for many men and women. This is one skin problem that becomes quite […] Pavithra Madhava

  • Loose motions are one of the frequent stomach problems which attack an individual, at least, two times per year. Although quite simple loose motions can be quite annoying and can cause significant weakness.

    As […] Pavithra Madhava

  • A stye in medical terms ‘hordeolum’ develops when an oil gland at the tip of an eyelid becomes infected. Resembling the pimple on the eyelid, a stye can develop on the inside or outside of the lid.

    6 Things to […] Pavithra Madhava

  • Though one might be intrigued to fling drink during your New Year’s celebrations, you can not assist but wonder if it was deserving drinking on the 31st night after you wake up with the raging hangover the next d […] Pavithra Madhava

  • Everyone love and attempt for that post-workout glow, a moment where we shine pure joy after shoving ourselves to sweat hard & make it over that range. Here are five great smoothies that will enhance your energy, […] Pavithra Madhava

  • Pregnancy, in women, is one of the most precious phases of their life. Bearing a new life within is one of the most beautiful experiences for them. You take care of yourself and the unborn baby, deciding specially […] Pavithra Madhava

  • “Health is Wealth”, this famous phrase is known to all and it is indeed true. Benefits of Turmeric Milk.
    Being healthy and fit is the key to success. In lieu, one might take extreme measures that might not be n […] Pavithra Madhava

  • We all want to flaunt a firm and toned body, but often do not know what to eat to maintain that body! Men like to build muscles but are in the dark on what helps them do so! Read on to know what you should include […] Pavithra Madhava

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