10 Tips for protecting one’s child against the coronavirus 

10 Tips for protecting one’s child against the coronavirus 

Children need to be protected from coronavirus as COVID -19 can cause much harm to the parents who are conscious about children’s health need to do so.

World– wide people have been infected with the novel coronavirus, a deadly virus also known as COVID-19. Parents are no doubt worried, as their children spend lots of time in public places (school and public play spaces) and may not be able to wash their hands. These are serious concerns for parents who want to protect their children from COVID-19. Children’s health is important for parents.

Parents need to stay calm, and carry on with their routine and also ensure that their children are well protected from the virus.
Parents can take simple and reasonable precautions, such as asking the children to frequently wash their hands, and avoid shaking hands, and letting them also spend more time playing outside. They need to teach and practice good hand hygiene

1.Washing hands

Measures do include not touching one’s eyes, mouth, or nose with unwashed hands and covering one’s mouth and nose when one sneezes. Parents need to inform their children about the importance of washing their hands frequently and not touching their face with unwashed hands. Child healthcare is given much importance by parents in their daily routine.

2. Do not depend on hand sanitizer alone

Hand sanitizer is not as effective as washing hands with soap and water, and may not be able to remove the visible dirt off a child’s hands, leave alone the germs. Children need to be asked to wash their hands once they return home.

3. Even children need to be reminded to avoid shaking hands

To curb the spread of coronavirus, places of worship and businesses need to ban the practice of handshaking. There are other ways of greeting like a nod and smile.

4. Stocking up on essentials, including medications and wipes

One must not be faced with a shortage of essential supplies and therefore one-month stocking of such essential is necessary. An item such as diapers, wipes, and over-the-counter medications need to be stocked. Families need to fill their medicine cabinets with prescription medications and medical supplies, including inhalers for asthma.

5. Shoes and bags should go by the door

Parents need to ask their children to remove their shoes when they come and leave them by the front door as they can carry in bacteria from the outside. Even backpacks and bags that may have touched the ground need to be kept aside.

6. Encourage children to change their clothes

The possibility of a child’s clothing carrying infection is there a but it is on the low side. Yet parents must ensure that they change their clothes. Clothes that they went to school I need to be changed and they must wear something fresh and clean. After all, they get exposed to sick children in school.

7. Be mindful of high-risk family members

Those who are most vulnerable to the novel coronavirus are older people and those suffering from other medical conditions. Therefore children need to inform that their grandparents are prone to the virus.

8. Playing outdoors for the better immune system

To reduce anxiety, promote health, parents need to encourage their children to play outdoors. Exercise improves the immune system. Playing as well as exercising outside reduces the exposure of children to the germs found in gyms and indoor play areas, though parents do of course l need to be mindful of surfaces in playgrounds.

9. Consider avoiding highly-trafficked places

Novel coronavirus spreads through the air in the form of tiny droplets produced when a sick person breathes, talks, coughs or even sneezes. The virus spreads most easily when people are within six feet of one another. Like visiting, libraries should not be encouraged.

10. Continuously clean your home, especially areas that get heavy use

It is important to thoroughly clean high-use areas of the home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The refrigerator door, staircase railings, tablets, phones, and toys happen to be the most touched places in the home. Here you can read Basic protective measures against the new Coronavirus  

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