Salt Recipes To Remove Blackheads

Salt recipes to remove blackheads

Salt Recipes To Remove Blackheads

‘Salt heals all type of wounds’ a common statement we have all heard at least once in our lifetime. This little grain is very essential in our life as it adds flavour to food we consume, makes us live healthy and keeps us energetic.

Salt in its rock form should be crushed a little before you apply it to your skin. Rock salt helps to remove dirt and grime, along with dead cells and blackheads. Given below is a list of salt recipes for blackheads, remove those ugly looking heads with salt and improve the quality of your skin.

Take a look at these salt recipes to remove blackheads:

Salt & Rose Water

To remove blackheads with the salt, add 1 tbsp of salt to a dry bowl. Add 1 tbsp of rose water. Without delay crush the grains of salt in rose water and quickly massage this ingredient on an area covered with the blackhead. As the salt removes the heads, the rose water will add glow to the skin. Use this salt beauty tip once in the week to see results.

Salt & Sugar

Next in remedies to remove blackheads is use of a mixture of salt and sugar. Make a combination of 1 tbsp salt and 1 tbsp sugar in a bowl. Smoothly massage this mixture on the nose in a circular manner. After fifteen minutes post massage, wipe your nose dry with a wet cotton wool and pat dry.

Salt & Honey

Honey is one of the best ingredients to use on your skin. Honey makes your skin glow and is also good for whitening your skin. 1 tbsp of honey is to be mixed with 2 tbsp of rock salt. This simple salt recipe for blackheads is then used on the affected area to remove the dead skin. Follow this beauty tip twice in a week to see accurate results.

Salt & Besan powder

Next in salt beauty tips is its use with besan. Add 1 tbsp of besan powder to a bowl. 2 tbsp of milk is added to the powder along with 1 tbsp of salt. This mixture is then made into a thick paste. The paste is applied on the blackheads. After 15 minutes, when the paste is dry, peel the mask away from the skin. Along with the removal of blackheads, dry skin and tan will also be removed.

Salt & Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is first massaged on an affected area. As still wet crushed salt is massaged deeply on the blackheads in a clockwise and anti-clockwise manner. After 10 minutes of massaging, the area is washed throughly with warm water. Repeat the process after 8 days.

Salt & Toothpaste

Use of toothpaste is an effectual home remedy to remove blackheads. Apply a little paste on the blackheads area. When still damp, massage the crushed rock salt on the paste in an upward direction. This salt recipe for blackheads will also remove dry, itchy skin. This is one of the most effectual blackhead removal tips.

Salt & Yogurt

Yogurt is a gentle soothing and healing ingredient. Massage the salt water on your nose and after 15 minutes apply a thick coat of cold curd or yogurt. This will reduce inflammation and heal burns if any.

Salt recipes to remove blackheads

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