Serious Side Effects Of Beetroot

Serious Side Effects Of Beetroot

Beets are the root of a vegetable. The bulbous root is eaten, but the leaves of beets can also be eaten raw, steamed or juice-based. There are both advantages and disadvantages to consuming beet juice. After talking to your doctor about whether beet juice can contribute to your optimal health, you can choose to be part of your daily diet. Read more about Serious Side Effects Of Beetroot

Potentially Positive Side Effects

There are potentially positive side effects for the consumption of beet juice. An individual may have one, some, all or none of these benefits when consuming a regular drink.

Decreases blood pressure

Beet juice can temporarily reduce blood pressure. A study in the medical journal Hypertension in 2008 demonstrated that consuming two cups of beet juice per day reduced blood pressure by 10 points. These researchers surprised because beet juice actually lowered blood pressure better than some prescription drugs! The effects lasted about 24 hours.

Another study published in Nutritional Journal also presented results of a study that concluded that beetroot juice lowers blood pressure in healthy men when they drink it as part of a normal diet. Of course, be sure to talk to your doctor about treating your hypertension naturally to be sure it won’t interact negatively with medications you are currently taking.

Hates blood vessels

Beet juice is also rich in the compound called nitric oxide (NO), which relaxes blood vessels, as reported by the American Heart Association. This compound also has anti-inflammatory properties and discourages the formation of blood clots.

Helps fight cancer

The benefits of beetroot to fight cancer include a compound called betacyanin. It improves cellular respiration and stops or slows the growth of cancer cells. Combined with the many other beneficial elements of other vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and celery, these compounds act as a “cocktail” for fighting natural cancer.

Remember, many alternative cancer treatments have not been conclusively demonstrated through conventional research but they offer an intriguing insight into what the average person should consider consuming in the quest to stay healthy.

Serious Side Effects Of BeetrootPotentially negative side effects

In the same way that not everyone will have the potential benefits, the way beet juice affects someone negatively varies greatly from one person to another.


If you drink a lot of beet juice, your urine or stool may take on a particular pink or red color. This is called Betty. This is a side effect of drinking lots of beet juice. Rest assured that it is harmless. However, this may frighten you, especially if you do not know that this is caused by the betalain pigmentary secretions.

Pregnancy Problems

A beet compound that causes concern for its use during pregnancy is betaine. According to the studies, betaine had adverse effects on animal tests. And there are no adequate studies on pregnant women to support her safety.

In addition, pregnant women are more sensitive to the effects of nitrates. Beets that are high in nitrite should be avoided while waiting for mothers. And not just the mother, even the fetus could be more sensitive to the toxicity of nitrates – especially during the 30th week of pregnancy when there is an increase in oxidative stress

Can Cause Gout

This type of arthritis that occurs due to excessive accumulation of uric acid can become extremely distressing. Symptoms include extreme joint pain (especially at the base of the toe), shiny red joints and high fever. And according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, foods containing oxalate, such as beets, can contribute to gout. And so, we must avoid.

Might Harm The Liver

Beets are rich in iron, magnesium, copper, and phosphorus – and that’s the good part. But the bad part is all that are metals, and excessive intake of these can result in their accumulation in the liver. This can affect the liver and pancreas.

How much beet is too much?

No sufficient data

Yes. Some websites say that a glass of beet juice per day is fine. Some say it’s too much. But there are limited data available in this aspect. Therefore, the advice of the doctor is necessary.


Beets have been found to cause low levels of calcium. They can also worsen kidney disease. Therefore, people with related conditions must abstain from beets.

Beet poisoning can occur with excessive beet consumption. Symptoms may be all that we have discussed in this publication. Take care of that too.

A Word On SuperBeets

There is something else to consider. Forgotten SuperBeets? This is a beetroot powder supplement. But is it healthier than beet vegetable?

According to the claims, SuperBeets should increase nitric oxide levels, which in turn should offer some benefits (such as helping with blood pressure or lowering blood pressure).

But we must understand that nitric oxide is what nitrites turn into once we consume them. So, if nitrites are harmful, nitric oxide is also important. So if you are suffering from any of the side effects, it is better to deviate from this supplement.


The beets are healthy. One of the healthiest, rather. But if you experience any of the effects, stop eating them.

We hope that this publication on the side effects of beet has been helpful. Let us know what you think by commenting in the box below.

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