Seven Foods For Healthy Hair

Seven foods for healthy hair

Seven Foods For Healthy Hair

#foodsforhealthyhair #healthyhair #sevenbestfoodsforhair #longhair

Smooth, shiny hair implies healthy hair. When the hair receives enough nutrients, it stays healthy. So, are you consuming the required food for healthy hair?

Well, diet has its role here. Your hair needs proper food to stay healthy. Malnutrition can also contribute hair fall and breakage. Lack of nutrients can reduce the quality of the locks, and the strength of the follicle too. That is why seldom, you must also eat anything that gives health to the hair & skin. We also know because there are foods to eat for the hair growth. That is why we tend to consume protein-rich foods to accelerate hair growth.

We can also recognize that there are foods to eat for the hair growth. That is why we tend to consume protein-rich foods to stimulate hair growth.

In this post, let us discuss seven foods for healthy hair.

Seven foods for healthy hairEggs

You can use eggs both internally & externally on the hair to enjoy their benefits. The protein content in them strengthens the hair. That is why eggs have also utilized in some hair packs.


Salmon contributes Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for both your scalp and hair. They keep your hair hydrated, prevent breakage and also enhance growth.


Your hair needs Iron, Calcium & Potassium and spinach can do just that; it provides these nutrients.

Sweet Potato

Well, what does sweet potato contribute? Vitamin A, antioxidants and beta-carotene are the nutrients supplied by sweet potatoes. Consume them especially if you have brittle hair.


Carrots come with Vitamin A, which is necessary for your hair. Consume carrots regularly for healthy hair.


Include peas in your diet as they produce Vitamin C, beta-carotene and some amounts of protein too. Your hair wants such nutrients.


Eat all types of nuts as they are good for the hair, skin and, of course, your heart too. Cashews, walnuts & almonds are a must in the list.

Above mentioned are the seven foods for healthy hair. Try these foods and live happy with long hair.

Photo credit : Google search

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