Surya Namaskar steps practice every morning

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morning

If you don’t have time for the workout and want to stay fit, here’s the single mantra. A set of 12 powerful yoga asanas or postures that contribute a good cardiovascular exercise in the form of Surya Namaskar. Changed to the sun salutation, these positions are a good idea to keep the body in fitness, the mind relaxed & healthy.

Surya Namaskar is sufficiently done early morning on an empty stomach. Let us begin with these easy but efficient Sun Salutation steps on our approach to good health.

Each Surya Namaskar sequence consists of two sets. This set of 12 yoga poses the one complete Surya Namaskar. To complete the second half, one wants to redo the same series of positions, only moving the left leg rather of the right in the steps 3 and 8 given below. One might find various versions of doing Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation. Though, it is enough to stick to one appropriate sequence & practice it repeatedly for best results.

Besides good health, C also gives an opportunity to display gratitude to the sun for encouraging life on this planet, For the next ten days, start the day with a feeling of grace & appreciation towards the solar energy. Do 12 rounds of the Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation, followed by other yoga poses & then rest solidly in the Yoga Nidra. One might just find that this could be the mantra to live fit, happy and with the peaceful mind. A mantra whose impacts last by the day.

How To Do Surya Namaskar- The Perfect Yoga Workout

1. Pranamasana: Prayer Pose

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morningStand at the corner of the mat, keep your feet together & balance the weight evenly on both the feet. Extend the chest & relax the shoulders. As you inhale in, lift both arms up from the sides & as you breathe out, bring the palms unitedly in front of the chest in prayer position

2. Hasta Padasana: Hand to Foot Pose

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morningExhaling out, lean forward from the waistline, keeping the spine erect. As you breathe out fully, bring the hands on the floor, near the feet.

How to intensify this yoga stretch?

One can bend the knees, if required, to make the palms down to the floor. Now make the noble effort to straighten the knees.

It is a good idea to keep the hands fixed in this position & not move them hence until we complete the series.

3. Ashwa Sanchalanasana: Equestrian Pose

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morningInhaling, push the right leg back, as far back as feasible. Bring the right knee to the floor & look up.

How to extend this yoga stretch?

Assure that the left foot is precisely in between the palms. Read Yoga poses plan

4. Hastauttanasana: Raised Arms Pose

11Breathing in, lift the arms up & back, retaining the biceps close to the ears. In this posture, the effort is to extend the entire body up from the feet to the tips of the fingers

How to extend this yoga stretch?

You might push the pelvis ahead a little bit. Assure you are reaching up with the fingers preferably than trying to twist backward.

5. Dandasana: Stick Pose

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morningAs you inhale, take the left leg back & bring the full body in a straight line.

How to extend this yoga stretch?

Keep the arms vertical to the floor. Read on Is yoga better than the gym?

6. Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morningSlide ahead and lift the chest up into the Cobra pose. You might keep the elbows flexed in this posture, keep the shoulders far from ears. View up.

How to extend this yoga stretch?

As you breathe in, make a simple effort to push the chest foremost; as you breathe out, make the noble effort to press the navel down. Fold the toes under. Assure you are stretching as much as you can; do not force.

7. Ashtanga Namaskara: Salute By 8 Parts

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morningKindly bring the knees down to the floor & breathe out. Bring the hips towards back lightly, slide forward, rest the chest & chin on the floor. Raise the back a little bit. The 2 hands, 2 feet, 2 knees, chest & chin or 8 parts of the body should touch the floor. Read more Top 10 Reasons to practice Yoga

8. Ashwa Sanchalanasana: Equestrian pose

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morningExhaling, take the right foot ahead in between the 2 hands, left knee down to the floor, strain the hips down & look up.

How to extend this yoga stretch?

Point the right foot correctly between the two hands & the good yearling vertical to the floor. In this post, make the noble effort to exert the hips down towards the floor, to extend the stretch.

9. Hasta Padasana: Hand to Foot Pose

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morningExhaling, take the left foot front. Put the palms on the floor. You might bend the knees if required.

How to extend this yoga stretch?

Lightly straighten the knees & if you can, try & touch the nose to the knees. Keep on taking breathe in.

10. Parvatasana: Mountain pose

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morning
Exhaling, lift the hips & the tail bone up, chest downwards in an ‘opposite position like V’ (/\) pose.

How to extend this yoga stretch?

If feasible, try & keep the heels on the ground & make a simple effort to lift the tail bone up, going farther into the stretch.

11. Hastauttanasana: Raised Arms Pose

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morningInhaling, bend the spine up, hands go up & twist backwards the little bit, shoving the hips slightly outward.

How to extend this yoga stretch?

Assure that the biceps are beside the ears. The idea is to expand up more rather than straining backwards.

12. Tadasana

Surya Namaskar steps practice every morningAs you breathe out, first straighten the body, then take the arms down. Rest in this position, keep the sensations in your body.

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