Taking Care of Your Colon

Taking Care of Your Colon

What is a colon?

The colon is the muscular tube about 5 – 51/2 feet in length. It has a typical diameter of about 21/2 inches. It has also called the large intestine, & it is the last portion of the digestive system. It begins on the lower right side of a stomach and ends just before the rectum.

The colon has divided into four parts:

  • The ascending colon,
  • The transverse colon,
  • The descending colon and
  • The sigmoid colon

How does colon damage occur?

  • The primary offender is found to be in flour, sugar, & dairy products. They are mucus forming & can expand the walls of a colon, which prevents nutrients to be correctly absorbed & transferred to the body.
  • The second reason is when the inner ecosystem lacks the useful bacteria & foods prepared inadequately from lack of soaking, overcooking of foods, or wrong food combinations. As a result, foods are digested badly & will cause bloating, gas, & inflammation.
  • The third reason is overeating. That weakens the colon, & it is necessary to eat only until you feel about eighty percent full to give the digestive region a chance to function correctly. This is apparently the reason why it is suggested to eat numerous smaller meals throughout the day.
  • The final reason is that stress & lack of sleep. Stress can make the body constricted and tight, which holds or stops exclusion. As a result, constipation is likely to happen. Not getting sufficient sleep can lower adrenal function that is needed to provide the energy necessary for bowel movements.

Functions of the colon

The primary duties of the colon are the absorption of water & minerals and the formation and expulsion of waste products.

Taking Care of Your ColonColon cancer cases are increasing nowadays. Diseases affecting your colon are likely to occur when your digestive health is compromised. This could be due to medication, lack of sleep, pollution, poor nutrition, stress, allergens, and inactivity.

Minor colon problems, such as constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, and irritable bowel syndrome are easily treatable. However, there are colon problems that require medical attention, especially when symptoms occur, such as:

  • Body odor
  • Reduced immunity
  • Fatigue
  • Mental dullness
  • Pale skin
  • The drastic change in bowel movement
  • Failure to defecate for more than seven days
  • Rectal bleeding or presence of blood in the stool

Age, poor diet, family history, smoking and alcohol, and sedentary lifestyle are some of the factors that may lead to colon problems.

To prevent experiencing colon problems, it is advised that you eat plenty of fiber, both soluble and insoluble; drink plenty of water; exercise regularly, have regular checkups and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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