Top 10 effective Health benefits of cumin seeds

Health benefits of cumin seeds

Cumin seeds also called as Jeera the quintessential Indian spice is the extension to the number of recipes; be it dal or as tempering for a dish. However, did you understand that basically Indians joined this spice to their cuisine, not simply for its amazing flavor & aroma though more for the number of health advantages it has? This spice can help enhance digestion, beat insomnia & also assist with the sex life. So, here are ten ways jeera joins to the healthy result of your daily meal. Read Health benefits of cumin seeds.

Enhances digestion

Thymol and other essential oils being in cumin seeds excite the salivary glands whereby assisting in the digestion of food. Aside from this, it strengthens an inactive digestive system. Therefore, if you do experience from indigestion try sipping some jeera tea. Aside from that, this jeera-banana combination can aid you to lose weight also.


  • Join a teaspoon of cumin seeds to the glass of water & bring it to the boil.
  • Once the water changes brown, turn off the flame and cover the vessel with the plate.
  • Let the decoction cool down at room temperature.
  • Sip this tea 3 times per day to enhance digestion & to assist resolve lesser stomach aches.
  • If you need the tea to be a little moderate, you can join some cumin seeds to the glass of boiling hot water & cover it with the fitted plate.
  • Allow it steep and then tap the water.

Beats constipation

Because of its high fiber content, jeera increases the action of the gastrointestinal area that in turn spurs enzyme excretion. It is why jeera powder has commonly utilized as a natural laxative. In case, its laxative properties are so potent that Ayurveda practitioners think that it is competent of preventing & healing critical digestive ailments like piles.


  • To get relief from roast jeera seeds, constipation, on a tawa till they turn into deep brown.
  • Now, cool them & crush them into the fine powder.
  • Combine this powder with water or honey & eat it on an empty stomach.
  • Another excellent natural remedy is to have some freshly made jeera tea.

Combat cancer

According to some of the studies, jeera can assist in the combat against cancer. This is as it includes an active compound, called as cuminaldehyde that aids in delaying the increase of tumors. Though, this anti-cancer property has limited to Kala jeera.


Do not forget to join a pinch of jeera to dal as the seasoning or sprinkle few seeds up the gravy to reap its goods.

Regulates blood pressure & heart rate

Being rich in potassium, which is a mineral that aids maintain the electrolyte balance in your body. This cumin seed is a tincture for heart patients. This mineral not simply assists in the regulation cell production but further helps maintain the blood pressure & heart rate. As of its regulative properties, jeera assists patients who have heart disease & assists in preventing it also.


One can sip the glass of jeera water early in the morning on an empty stomach to regulate the blood pressure levels.

Relieves asthma and cold

The powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties of cumin seed make it an excellent natural home remedy for cold & asthma. These mixtures soothe irritated muscles & enhance your immunity to combat the infection.


For relieving from the cold, boil few jeera seeds (about one tbsp) in 2 cups of water & join a small piece of ground ginger to the water.

  • Once it starts to boil, strain it also sips on this tea as frequently as possible.
  • This will not simply help relieve the cold but also relieve a sore throat through making you feel extremely better.

Health benefits of cumin seedsHelp prevent anemia

A Hundred grams of jeera include 11.7 milligrams of iron? Iron is the main ingredient in the production of hemoglobin, is the substance that carries and transmits oxygen throughout the body. This is the reason why jeera is most natural and efficient addition for people suffering from anemia. This is one of the food to treat anemia


  • It is further desirable for women to eat jeera on a daily basis to keep the disease at far away.
  • You could simply incorporate it into your daily meals like in roti, curries, rice, etc.

Enhances sexual health

Yes, it’s absolutely true. The small seed can up the sexual quotient. Packed with zinc & potassium, jeera is the all-rounder when it happens to enhance the performance in your bedroom. Zinc is necessary for sperm production & potassium supports the healthy heart rate & blood pressure, This spice also assists deal with fertility problems & prevent conditions like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation low sperm count & low potency of your sperm.


Sip jeera tea on a daily basis on the empty stomach & watch things steam up among the sheets, usually!

Excellent for pregnant mothers

As the cumin seed works as a surprising spice for mothers-to-be & new mothers. Its properties of alleviating constipation and enhancing digestion considerably assist pregnant women to deal with the pregnancy symptoms like nausea & constipation. Along with assisting in excellent delivery, this spice improves lactation. Furthermore, a large amount of iron & calcium content in the seed boosts milk production out any side effects.


Pregnant mothers should join jeera powder in milk & honey and have this two times a day.

Aids to deal with insomnia

Unable to sleep? Perhaps jeera can ease. The tiny cumin seed sway simply does the trick for you. Jeera includes the high amount of melatonin, that when eaten with bananas enhances the production of chemicals in the brain. This concoction aids beat insomnia & provide you a good and healthy night’s sleep.


  • To sleep well join some freshly ground jeera powder by the pulp of the ripe banana.
  • Consume this every night. This, not simply assists insomniacs naturally.

Enhances memory

Loaded with minerals like riboflavin, vitamin B6, zeaxanthin, niacin & much more, jeera is well recognized for its capability to support & restore memory & mental health. In Ayurveda, it is frequently utilized to treat patients experiencing from amnesia. Although home remedies are anything we all rely on in our daily life, it is fundamental that you go to the trained physician if your signs continue or get worse.


To sharpen memory, eat on the few roasted seeds regularly.

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