Top 10 Nutritious Vegetables For Better Health

Top 10 Nutritious Vegetables For Better Health

Top 10 Nutritious Vegetables For Better Health

#nutritious #vegetables #betterhealth

There are many health benefits of the vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, kale, turnip, broccoli, brussels, rutabaga, and bok choy. They are rich in the antioxidants & remove free radicals from our body. Free radicals can damage cells in the body & cause cancer. They are also good for the diabetic patients & for heart diseases. They can help combat breast cancer.

These vegetables are also rich in the fiber. Fiber is required for the healthy heart & healthy digestive system. They also hold back hunger & are good for those who are aggressive to lose the weight.

In diabetes patients, these fibers bind with the surplus sugar & remove them from the digestive pathway before their absorption into the blood. They also reduce cholesterol as the fiber also binds with the cholesterol & removes it from the body.

Have a look at some best healthy vegetables that improve your health or Top 10 Nutritious Vegetables For Better Health.


It is rich is iron, vitamin A, potassium, calcium, B complex & folic acid. Cabbage has the healing property. It can cure gastric ulcers & external sores too. It treats liver diseases & relieves chest blocking. It is rich in fibers, so it treats constipation too. It removes toxins or unhealthy substances from the body & also lowers fever.


It treats the bleeding gums & removes toxins or unhealthy substances from the body. This is one of the best health benefits of cruciferous vegetables. It contains potassium so, it is good for the heart. It is good for the anaemia patients as it contains iron. Apart from this, it contains vitamin B, carotenoids, calcium and vitamin C. You must not cook it more than ten minutes as its nutritional value may be lost by surplus heat.

Top 10 Nutritious Vegetables For Better HealthBroccoli

Broccoli is used to treat the eye infections & removes toxins or unhealthy substances from the body. It is the richest source of the vitamin C which helps in absorption of calcium & iron from the gastro intestinal tract (GIT). Broccoli acts as a diuretic and is good for kidney diseases & high blood pressure patients. It also offers the protection from colon cancer and lowers fever. These are best health benefits of this cruciferous vegetable. Apart from vitamin C, it also contains folic acid, vitamin B and potassium.


They kill bacterial infections inside the body. Brussels are good for diabetics & treats constipation. They also reduce high body temperature during infections. They are rich in the vitamin C, iron, potassium & carotenoids.


It is rich in the vitamins C, K & A, calcium & carotenoids. It also contains antioxidants & enhances the immune system. It decreases inflammation & offers protection from cancer. It is also good for eye sight & vision and makes bones healthy.

Bok Choy

Bok Choy is rich in calcium. It is used to enhance memory and is good for bones. It helps in maintaining proper blood pressure. It is also rich in antioxidants and removes toxins.


They are rich in vitamins K, A and C. It also contains fiber and folate. It is good for people with chronic constipation. People with anaemia can benefit from it as it contains folic acid. It is also good for healthy heart and eyes.

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