Top 4 homemade hair packs to cover a grey string

Top 4 homemade hair packs to cover a grey string

One of first signs that can make look an older than actually are is grey hair.Top 4 homemade hair packs to cover a grey string.

Now a days days, most men and women have grey hair even in their younger age or 30s. If someone who wants to conceal these string although in natural way, Try making hair colours at home. Celebrity hairstylist Asgar Saboo reveals tricks to get natural hair colour back.

Here are top 4 homemade hair packs to cover a grey hair.

Henna pack

  • To prepare the henna pack, collect henna leaves from henna plant.
  • Then make fresh paste by grinding the henna leaves.
  • Add 3 teaspoons of amla powder into it. Can also add 1 teaspoon of coffee powder.
  • Take small amount of curd and mix all ingredients.
  • Apply the hair packs on hair and leave it till it dries.
  • Then rinse it off with mild shampoo.

Top 4 homemade hair packs to cover a grey stringPotato peel rinse

  • Take around 5 potatoes and peel them. Put the peels in cup.
  • Take pan and pour 2 cups of cold water then add the peels. Bring to boil, lower the flame and simmer for minutes.
  • Place the pan away from the stove and then let it cool.
  • After it temperature comes down, strain the liquid out and save it.
  • Add few drops of sandalwood oil for aroma and pour the cool mixture into glass container with a tight fitting lid.
  • Use it as hair rinse after washing the hair. Apply this hair packs for better results

Black tea remedy

  • Boil 2 teaspoons of tea leaves without adding any sugar or milk and let it concoct.
  • Take the tea water and let it cool till water becomes darker.
  • Then apply this hair packs all over the hair.
  • Wash it off with water.
  • Does not use shampoo with the tea water.

Coconut and lemon remedy

  • Take about 6 to 8 teaspoons depending on the hair length of coconut oil.
  • Mix 3 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice in an oil and apply this hair packs on the hair.
  • Keep it for an hour and wash the hair with mild shampoo.

Top 4 homemade hair packs to cover a grey string

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