Unbelievable Health Tips Of The Day

Unbelievable health tips of the day

Unbelievable Health Tips Of The Day

#health #healthtips #healthy #healthcare #healthyways

Everyone of us wants to direct the healthy and fit life. I am also sure that none of love the idea of getting sick, being injected all the time & consuming medications. To prevent all this, following the simple health tip in the day is very important.

These healthy tips that yabibo has shares with you refer to the weight loss which is the key thing on every second persons mind, health tips for the well beating heart & of course health tips to prevent & get rid of headaches.

Due to our stressful life we frequently forget to do little things that keep us healthy. These health tips below would open the mind about thinking positively and allow you to look at the healthier lifestyle path.

So what are you waiting for? Take a look at these few Unbelievable health tips of the day and do share them:


When you can laugh, it is cheapest medicine. The reason being, laughter allows blood to flow freely throughout the body, therefore, preventing clots which lead to the heart attacks & strokes.

When Answering The phone

It is best to answer the phone first with you left ear & then the right to avoid signals from damaging the brain. According to the scientist, the microwaves present in mobile phone can activate changes to protein structure in endothelial cells, allowing toxins or unhealthy substances to enter the brain.


It is best to drink the more water in morning & less in the night.


The best natural ingredient to get rid of the bad breath or smell is coal. Brushing the teeth and gums with charcoal powder would put to rest unclean breath. Coal powder also makes gums stronger & teeth whiter.

Diet Right

Weight loss means the world for the lot of people. Dieting in the proper method is necessary as it helps to keep fit. Add fruits, fibre, vegetables and 8 – 10 glasses of water to the diet to lose the weight slowly.

The Brain Treat

Avoid cooking in the aluminum tavas & vessels. It is not good for the brain as well as it brings on the Alzemiers disease at an earlier age.

Unbelievable health tips of the dayAcidity

Acidity is very common issue that many of us face after the meal. To prevent acidity & other digestive problems, eat a clove.

For The Heart

Having the positive attitude helps to lower all types of the heart problems. Its all in mind. Swallowing positive feelings would also prevent the heart attacks. Follow this health tip of the day to live for longer.

Get Rid OF Headaches

The best health tip of the day for the headache is to simply give someone to hug. A warm hug to the loved one helps to calms the nerves in the brain, thus, reducing a headache.

Weight Loss

Never make it the habit to eat a meal or a snack when your bored. This is one of the health tips of the day in regard to weight loss.

Photo credit: United States Marine Corps Official Page / Foter / CC BY-NC

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