What are the drawbacks of the summer season for pregnant?

What are the drawbacks of the summer season for pregnant?

The drawbacks of the summer season for pregnant women are much to reckon with. These need to face with much courage as the heat can do havoc on their health.

Summertime is a fun time for all as it means backyard barbeques, beach vacations, fresh lemonade and of course having a baby. Is the latter a good idea? There are certain pros and cons to it.

The summer of course means a special set of pros and cons to pregnant women at all stages, but especially for those who are nearing the finish line of their due date. From factors that do cause mere discomfort to issues that pose legitimate health hazards, the cons are usually heat-related and no doubt awesome.

Several women do not mind pregnancy in summer whereas others feel there are issues to face as mentioned earlier are heat related. Pros are there such as no need to invest in a maternity winter coat or step gingerly on icy sidewalks. Yet during summer, it is important to stay active and hydrated. Visiting the swimming pool and having a refreshing summer cocktail helps to cope with pregnancy in the summertime.

There are drawbacks to the summer season for pregnant women.

Summer pregnancies: The cons

The hot sun can make pregnant women dislike the heat. They try their level best to protect themselves from the hot sun. It is not all that easy to keep one’s core body temperature cool during the warmer months. The high temperatures on hot summer days can indeed be the worst.

1. No sauna and hot baths

Avoiding saunas and hot baths is disliked by pregnant women.

2. The Heat

Pregnant women already do radiate heat, but when the heat is coming from both within as well as without, it makes things very warm. This affects sleep negatively.

3. The Swelling

During pregnancy, it is normal to swell. In the summer the heat, as well as swelling, are multiplied, so forget about wearing that wedding ring or squeezing into those adorable shoes

4. Dehydration

While the risk of dehydration does increase in the summer for everyone, pregnant women need to pay more attention to their water intake as dehydration can rather seriously negatively impact their health.

What are the drawbacks of the summer season for pregnant?


This is occurring in early pregnancy, an abnormally high body temperature, or hyperthermia, can indeed increase the risk of birth defects.

6. Heat intolerance

Few pregnant women find it difficult to cope with the extreme heat of summertime.

7. Swelling 

Swelling can occur and naturally, summertime is a tough time for pregnant women.

Also Read, Tips for Pregnancy Care in Summer.


The summer heat can make pregnant women feel miserable. The hot weather and hot summer months are intolerable even for an average person. Thus, a pregnant woman must cope with the high heat throughout the months of pregnancy. 

Summer pregnancy is indeed very challenging on account of the heat, but it also has its advantages. The cons of course are there which need to be tolerated if pregnant in summer like swelling in feet, ankle, and leg which are common pregnancy symptoms that get worse. The hot sun can make pregnant dislike the summer heat. Pregnancy is tough going no doubt.

To sum up, a few of the cons of summer pregnancy do include swelling in feet, ankles, as well as the leg which are common pregnancy symptoms that get worse with heat. The hot sun can make pregnant moms dislike hot days. Even if able to attend to chores at home yet, the heat can be annoying. Drawbacks of the summer season affecting pregnant women are thus manifold. They cannot be overlooked at any cost.

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