What Does Your Birthmark (mole) Mean

What does your birthmark (mole) mean

Experts say that our birthmarks or moles have been called the sign of good luck or they are mark of the devil. In the world, almost every human being has the heart shaped, strawberry shaped or an irregular shape of birthmark or mole on their body. They might appear light or dark & also vary in the size too. Read to know about What Does Your Birthmark (mole) Mean.

In different cultures, there are the number of beliefs based on myths & false notion related to birthmarks. Lets take a look at what does your birthmark (mole) mean, depending on where it is located on the body.

Abdomen or stomach

Men and women: If the birthmark is on your stomach or abdomen it means that you are a greedy & selfish person.

Near the mouth

Men : If the birthmark is near your mouth it means that you might enjoy great wealth & happiness. Women: This means that you have the very sensitive character & you are talkative.

On Right cheek

Men: It only indicates that he is a very passionate person. Women: If the birthmark or mole is placed on right cheek it means that she might enjoy a happy relationship with her spouse.

What does your birthmark (mole) meanOn Left cheek

Men: He would have a lot of financial difficulties. Women: It means that she has some sort of unseen depression.

Under the Left breast:

Men and women: If you have mark placed under the left breast it means that you might enjoy success in everything you put your hands to. It also means that you have a good sense of humour.

Under the Right breast

Men and women: The birthmark or mole located under the right breast indicates that person might enjoy fortune.

Center of the chest

Men and women: If the birthmark or mole is located in center of the chest, it means that you might not enjoy any good luck and fortune.

On the Chin

Men: If birthmark is located on the chin, it indicates that you are a very shot tempered person. Women: If a woman has the birthmark or mole on the chin, this means that you are the bread winner of the family.

 Right side of the forehead

Men and women: When the birthmark or mole is placed on the right side of forehead, it means that you have the great mental power.

Left side of the forehead

Men and women: The location of this birthmark or mole can be a obstruction to one. If your mark is located on the left side of the forehead you might have the tendency to spend lots of money.

Center of the forehead

Men and women: It is said that these individuals are very attractive to the opposite sex & has many love affairs in their lives.


Men: This indicates that he loves to spend most of his time at home, looking after children & maintaining discipline. Women: It shows that she is independent & career oriented.

Jaw line

Men and women: This indicates bad health & a disorderly lifestyle for both the genders.

On the back

Men and women: This indicates that you are very honest & an open minded person.

On the fingers

Left and right hands: If both men & women have a birthmark or moles on any of their fingers, this indicates that he or she does not like to be dependent on anyone.

On the feet or toes

Left and right legs: For both men & women, if you have the birthmark or mole located on the feet, it means that you are a woman of action. For the man it indicates that he loves to travel.


Men and women: If your birthmark or mole is located on the left shoulder it indicates financial crisis, & if located on the right it means that you might have good fortune.

On the legs

Men and women : When the birthmark is located on the legs, it means that you are unable to make decisions on your own.

On the nose

Men and women: There are en number of people who are born with the birthmark on their nose. This indicates that you are very creative in thinking and have a very unpredictable characteristics.

On the Thigh

Men and women: This brings luck. For those who have their birthmark or mole on their thigh, it only means that they might enjoy great wealth along with happiness.

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