Why and what of hormonal causes of female infertility?

Why and what of hormonal causes of female infertility?

Hormonal causes of female infertility are several and do affect pregnancy negatively. Hormonal imbalance symptoms in females cannot be ignored and need medical attention.

Infertility implies not being able to get pregnant after at least one year of trying (or 6 months in case the woman is over age 35). If a woman does keep having miscarriages, it is also known as infertility.

Factors affecting infertility

Female factors

  • Ovulation problems. The woman does not make enough hormones to develop, mature, as well as release a healthy egg.
  • Anatomical problems. A problem with the woman’s anatomy can indeed prevent the egg and the sperm from meeting.
  • Endometriosis. The tissue that does line the uterus implants outside the uterus in this condition. It does usually implant on other reproductive organs or in the abdomen
  • Birth defects

Why and what of hormonal causes of female infertility?

Manifold hormonal causes of female infertility

1. Problems in the Menstrual Cycle

The most common cause of female infertility happens to be the failure to ovulate, which does occur in 40% of women with infertility issues. Not ovulating can indeed be due to several causes.

Also Read, Infertility and Hair Loss Problems Linked To Each Other.

2. Structural problems of the reproductive system

Structural problems do tend to involve the presence of abnormal tissue in the woman’s fallopian tubes or even perhaps her uterus.

If the fallopian tubes do  get blocked, eggs cannot be moved from the woman’s ovaries to the woman’s uterus and the sperm is not able to reach the egg for fertilization. Structural problems with the woman’s uterus, such as those that perhaps may interfere with implantation, can also cause infertility.

3. Endometriosis 

Endometriosis does occur when the cells that normally line the uterine cavity, referred to as the endometrium, are found outside the uterus instead. Research has indeed brought into the limelight a link between infertility as well as endometriosis. Scientists do not know the exact cause of infertility in women with endometriosis.

4. Uterine fibroids 

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths that form inside the woman’s uterus. Uterine fibroids can rather lead to symptoms in some cases, depending on their size as well as location. Scientists do not know what causes fibroids to form, but it is indeed believed that there may be a genetic basis.

5. Autoimmune disorders 

Autoimmune disorders do cause the body’s immune system to attack normal body tissues that it would normally ignore. Autoimmune disorders, such as lupus, and Hashimoto’s as well as other types of thyroiditis, or rheumatoid arthritis, may rather affect fertility. The reasons for this are not fully understood and also differ between diseases, but they have been thought to in fact involve inflammation in the woman’s uterus and her placenta or medications can be used to treat the diseases. Both men cum women can after all make antibodies that attack sperm or the reproductive organs.

The issue that arises is that infertility itself is not an inherited condition. Yet, conditions that can rather cause infertility, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis as well as a premature ovarian failure do often occur in several female members in the same family.

Hormonal causes of female infertility cannot be sidetracked and women do face this health issue and do find pregnancy difficult. Hormonal imbalance symptoms in females are taken into consideration while evaluating the cause for a woman being infertile and unable to conceive.


It is obvious that getting pregnant as well as carrying a pregnancy to term are very complicated processes. Several issues can go wrong during these processes leading to infertility. For this reason, the following list does include only a few of the common causes of infertility in females; it is not meant to be all-inclusive. A woman who is indeed having difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term needs to talk with her healthcare provider about possible treatments.

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