Why Iodine is important for Health?

Why Iodine is important for Health?

The benefits of iodine on the skin are many and iodine uses are equally high. Iodine is essential for healthy body functioning. Iodine plays a vital role in the healthy growth of the body.

Iodine is an important nutrient in the forefront of medical research off late. The question that arises in one’s mind is where is iodine obtained from?

Iodine happens to be a micro-nutrient that is not manufactured by the body and must be obtained from one’s diet. It is present in seafood as well as sea vegetables, especially kelp, and also in foods that are grown in iodine-rich soils. As the sea and the soils get polluted, iodine deficiency is in the news as one’s diets simply do not contain this essential micro-nutrient. 

Iodine is required for basic functions within one’s human body including thyroid function, adrenal health, and immune function and may also play a vital role in the prevention of cell mutation within our bodies. The benefits of iodine on the skin also need to be considered.

Experts are of the view that the problem is due to children drinking less milk which is a source of iodine. Another source is table salt. Reduced salt intake has led to the problem of iodine deficiency. Iodine uses are manifold.

Iodine and its role with the thyroid gland

The most widely admitted concern of iodine deficiency happens to be thyroid dysfunction. The thyroid gland does produce two types of thyroid hormones which are indeed derived from the amino acid tyrosine as well as several atoms of iodine. Thyroid hormones do control one’s body’s metabolism thus regulating everything from body temperature, glucose consumption, heart rate, glucose consumption, and even the amount of fats burned for energy.

Too much thyroid hormone, referred to as hyperthyroidism, results in a high metabolic rate. People suffering from this condition experience rapid heart rates that resulting in palpitations, excessive sweating and often are warm even in a cold room. They may lose weight and experience muscle weakness.

Too little thyroid hormone is referred to as hypothyroidism, and has symptoms such as slow heart rate, feeling of being cold even when the temperature is warm, dry hair, weight gain, 

hair loss, fatigue, and even depression. In extreme cases, brain function gets impaired and babies born to mothers having low iodine levels are at risk of cretinism. It is important to maintain healthy thyroid function. 

The role of iodine in breast health

Human breast tissue as well as breast milk contain higher concentrations of iodine as compared to the thyroid gland itself. Iodine is necessary for the developing newborn brain so nursing an infant via breast milk is important.

Iodine is a powerful antioxidant. It helps regulate levels of the stress hormone cortisol and is also linked closely to immune function. 

Why Iodine is important for Health?

The importance of iodine in cardiovascular health

Despite no obvious symptoms being present, hypothyroidism, due to low iodine levels, can indeed contribute to heart disease and stroke. Thyroid dysfunction does elevate cholesterol leading to increased risks of atherosclerosis, the narrowing of arteries. Hypothyroidism also does weaken the heart muscle tissue and is also linked to higher waist to hip ratios, a risk factor that is associated with cardiovascular disease.


Iodine does play a major role in several processes occurring within one’s body. The benefits of iodine on the skin also cannot be negated. It is easy to correct iodine deficiency in one’s diet. 

Iodine is found in fish as well as in sea vegetables, unrefined sea salt, artichokes, asparagus, and dark green vegetables. 

It is necessary to get sufficient iodine in one’s diet. It does regulate hormones, fetal development, and more as well.

In case of low iodine levels, the doctor might recommend supplementation. It is necessary to take supplements after checking out with one’s doctor first.

Thus it is obvious that iodine uses are many to reckon with.

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