Wonderful Benefits Of Frankincense Oil

Wonderful Benefits Of Frankincense Oil

In no case related to Frankenstein – the incense oil is one of the essential oils used in aromatherapy. This fragrant oil is extracted from Boswellia sacra tree or Boswellia criteria. It is also known as Shallaki or Salai Guggulu in Ayurveda. Possessing a number of health benefits, incense oil is also used to make several perfumes, skin care products, and incense sticks.

According to the Bible, incense was one of the three gifts brought by the three wise men for baby Jesus. Mainly found in countries like Oman, Somalia, and Yemen, this aromatic oil has a history dating back several centuries. The smell of frozen incense at lemony is refreshing, to say the least. No wonder this oil is a favorite when it comes to aromatherapy!

What Frankincense Oil Is Called In Different Indian Languages

In Hindi – Lobaan tel
In Tamil – Caampiraani enney
In Malayalam – Kunturukkavum enna
In Telugu – Saambraani nuney

Benefits Of Frankincense Oil

Frankincense and frankincense oil is known to have several medicinal properties. In ancient times, people used it widely to treat a number of health problems. In fact, at one point in history, the incense trade has become the most lucrative trade in the world! Fortunately, modern scientists are slowly waking up to the benefits offered by this incredible natural wonder resembling a resin. In addition to playing a key role in aromatherapy, the incense oil is also known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Benefits Of Frankincense For skin

Our skin is the most visible organ of our body. Frankincense for skin can do amazing wonders. Here’s how:

1. Skin Conditioner

Usage of Frankincense floral water can act as skin conditioner if used externally. Regular use of this natural conditioner can leave your skin soft and smooth.

2. Scar Reduction

A blemish free skin is a dream for many. Frankincense can help in fading away acne, surgery marks, stretch marks and other types of scars from the skin, making your dream a reality.Our skin is the most visible organ of our body. Frankincense for skin can do amazing wonders. Here’s how:

Our skin is the most visible organ of our body. Incense for the skin can do amazing wonders. Here’s how:

3. Skin regeneration

Incense can reduce wrinkles and fine lines by regenerating healthy skin cells. The use of this sap can keep you looking for a youthful feeling in your heart! This is considered the best benefit of skin care to incense.

4. Strengthens finger nails

The application of the incense on the nails can strengthen the fragile and delicate nails.

5. Anti-infection

Incense, being a disinfectant, can be used to clean wounds or cuts, paving the way for faster healing without scarring.

6. Wart cures

Applying incense to warts twice a day for a few weeks may reveal a progressive healing.

7. Insect bites

A drop of incense oil has the ability to reduce the swelling caused by insect bites. This also contributes to a faster healing.

Benefits Of Frankincense for Hair

If you are unhappy with your hair, incense may be the answer to your prayers!

8. Dandruff Cure

Almost all essential oils, including incense, can provide relief from dandruff if used regularly.

Wonderful Benefits Of Frankincense Oil9. Gives shiny hair

You can use only incense oil or mix with myrrh to get hair that shines with health. You can use these two as a gel-style and get incredible results.

10. Stops hair loss and gives healthy hair

The incense oil is known to make the hair roots stronger, put an end to hair loss and leave room for healthier hair.

Benefits Of Frankincense For Health

The health benefits of incense are countless, so it is also known for its myriad of health benefits, some of which are:

11. Relieves pain

Joint pain and other pain caused by inflammation can be relieved with an incense oil.

12. Stress Relief

Stress is an integral part of the modern lifestyle. But you can use incense oil as a perfume or apply it to the temple, as appropriate, to get stress relief.

13. Muscle pain

Incense helps to circulate blood in the affected area and helps relieve muscle pain. It is especially useful for people suffering from rheumatism.

14. Relieves itching

The direct application of incense to the affected area causes a gradual relief of itching.

15. Back Pain Relief

Heavy weight lifting, pregnancy, poor posture – all this can cause severe back pain. If you suffer from back pain, you can relieve yourself with the application of incense oil on the affected area.

Try this wonderful nature gift for a healthier, more beautiful you! Respond to your comments in the comments section below.

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